Analía Remedi, CEO of Hewlett-Packard for Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, analyzed the feminine leadership in the event of Human Resources, Human Capital Forum 2008, celebrated in Argentina. “Reading newspaper headlines, I was surprised by seeing in reiterated opportunities 'A woman at the top of…' - she reflected- How is this? A woman who leads a company is something to write as news, but not when the leader is a man?”.
Remedi doesn't think that there is a “feminine leadership”, but she differentiated innate characteristics from each gender. According to her, women are “intuitive, owners of a developed emotional intelligence, capable to be related more in an horizontal than in a vertical way, good in communication, productive, with capacity to assume many tasks simultaneously, enthusiastic and grateful for what they do”.
Also she indicated some aspects she considers we have to take care when women occupy management positions. In particular, she talked about the risks generated when emotivity interfires in the decision making, besides their “intransferable” social role.
Remedi advised to companies that looked for “a well-balanced center” and supported diversity. She considers that “a diverse work team can analyze companies and market problems with more accuracy and dynamic”.
In addition, she proposed the implementation of life balance programs. She mentioned some of the examples put in practice in HP. They are related to the work based on objectives. They let more flexible schedules: tele or homeworking, part-time on Fridays, and 10 days paternity licenses, among others.
Source: Adlatina
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