Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rethink 2008: Mary Lou Quilan and Gemma Cernuda demand the feminine view in communication

The last edition of the International Forum Rethink the basis of communication, celebrated on 5th and 6th of March in Barcelona, had a clear feminine character. According to the data presented in the contest, the feminine segment decides the 80% of the purchases in the world-wide market. This is a number that didn't go unnoticed for the proffesionals of the sector, who are more and more interested in this public.

The great names of the appointment were the American Mary Lou Quilan, founder of the agency specialized in feminine marketing Just Ask a Woman and author of the best-seller of the same name, and Gemma Cernuda of the agency from Barcelona Peix & Co, new communication company “in feminine”.

Genma Cernuda set out the details of her book '24h/7d', which tries to explain the feminine behaviour in the society of the present communication, by means of literary appointments of great writers and philosophers. In addition, she presented her innovating system to classify brans by values.

Para cerrar el evento, Mary Lou Quilan, consultora de marcas internacionales como Avon, Ikea y Yahoo, propuso colocar a una mujer delante de la cámara para conocer sus inquietudes y necesidades antes de empezar a crear estrategias.

To close the event, Mary Lou Quilan, consultant of international brands as Avon, Ikea and Yahoo, proposed to put a woman in front of the camera to know her restlessness and needs before beginning to create strategies.

In order to see all the communications of Rethink 2008 and to know the latest news in feminine marketing, you can unload them here:

In order to accede to the videos you only have to give your email and it isn't necessary to pay for that reason.

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